Profesor Ernesto Kahan baru menghantarkan Deklarasi Lima sempena Kongres Penyair Sedunia di Peru baru-baru ini semalam. Deklarasi ini telah dibacakan oleh beliau sendiri pada majlis penutup Kongres tersebut. Deklarasi ini akan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Malaysia sedikit waktu lagi.
Al Quran telah menyatakan bahawa manusia adalah punca kepada kemusnahan alam sekitarnya sendiri. Bencana banjir yang sedang dihadapi sekarang tak pernah berlaku sebegitu buruk. Semoga Deklarasi Lima WCP ke 34 ini semakin menyedarkan kita kepada kesilapan kita sendiri. Selamat membaca.
WCP 34 and eco-poetry
The Lima Declaration
Care for the "last lungs of the world":
The Amazon
By Ernesto Kahan *
In November 2010, I was invited to the Summit of Amazonian Countries. In my message sent by email because I couldn't attend, I repeated what I said in a recent interview published in Greece:
"Our society is in an existential crossroads. On one hand, it is very efficient the use of natural
resources, but on
the other, such use is jeopardizing the continuity of life on our planet. On
hand, new
technologies and intensive production systems allow us to obtain an elevation
of life for all
humanity, but on the other, new conflicts are threatening to use weapons,
especially nuclear
which potentially can destroying our civilization and life on Earth.".i
The declaration of Manaus - Summit of Amazonian Countries on
Climate Change of
November 26, 2009, affirmed that "Climate change is one of the most
critical and urgent
challenges of today,
which can only be addressed effectively through of a global effort to which
each country
contributes according to their full capabilities in compliance with the
principle of
common but
differentiated responsibility ... " I want to draw attention to the close relationship
between pollution and the arms race, as well as with the size of
the contaminant population. Warbrings death and pollution, but in the case of nuclear war only
using 25% of the global arsenal, it will produce what it is called "Nuclear Winter" with the
corresponding destruction of life on the planet.
The Amazon rainforest is perhaps the most important biological
space necessary for life
on Earth. Its size and biological diversity are essential to the
global climate system.
The "Living Planet Report 2014" recently introduced by
the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF)ii states that "in 40 years half of the population
of various kinds of animals has been
halved: Between 1970
and 2010, populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish
around the globe
declined by 52 percent".
It is Important to remark than every day, in different parts of
the world, 24,000 people
die of hunger (1 every 3.6 seconds, 3 out of 4 are children less
than 5 years)
I am going to cite a fragment of the Statement on the 5th Summit
of Nobel Peace Laureates signed in Rome in November of 2004iii. I feel proud that the
organization International Physicians for the Prevention of
Nuclear War, of which I was vice
president, is one of the signatories:
[…]"We call for
the reduction of military expenditures and for conclusion of a treaty that
rejects brute force,
respects ethnic, cultural, and political diversity and affirms justice,
compassion, and
human solidarity. …" "We, the Nobel Peace Laureates and Laureate
pledge to work for the realization of these goals.”
That can only be achieved with a pact of harmony, which I
understand, is the state of
balance between the components of a system, which by nature tends
to entropy. It can be
achieved by tolerance, which is a negotiated agreement between the
components (the nations).
Harmony must be the basis for peaceful coexistence among nations.
Harmony can never be
eternal and complete, but it is essential at this stage of our
civilization for humanity to survive.
On December 1, 1997, The New York Times published a big appeal called
"Medical Warning:
Global Warming", which was addressed to the leaders of the
world on the occasion of the
Kyoto Summit. The call was signed mainly by leading university
professors of public health, and health professionals of the more important health centers and
universities of the world, including myself, professor of Tel Aviv University. Israel. The Appeal
mentioned that "the
Panel on Climate Change, made up of more than 2500 of the world's leading
scientists, has
concluded that the continued accumulation of greenhouse gases from 1997 to
2010, will, over the next
100 years, warm the planet between 1 to 3 grades centigrade. … The
rate and magnitude
of those changes, not seen on Earth for more than 130.000 years (when our
species Homo Sapiens
first evolved), may severely affect life on land and in the oceans, will pose
unacceptable, risks for human health…"
Castellano, María Silvina, in her recent book entitled "La
responsabilidad del Estado
frente al daño ambiental. El rol de los juecesiv,(The responsibility of the State against
environmental damage. The role of the judges), said: "We have
a fundamental role to demand
justice in the light of new criteria for our right to clean
environment and sustainable
development enshrined in our Constitution and reflected throughout
the legal system .. . "
We writers and artisans of the written word, have the
extraordinary opportunity and
mission of contributing to the clarification and sensitivity of
the readers for the respect for life,
pluralism, human rights and protection of ecology.
At the end of the XX Century and beginning of the XXI Century, and
because of the
ecological crises, a new poetic movement called Eco-Poetry is
expanding and developing.
In the field of art in general, and literature in particular,
poetry of the natural poems that
is an essential part of modern literature has become in the XXI
Century, due to the ecological
crisis, more an awareness of the ecology in danger than an
exaltation to the magnificence of
The 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 and
the 2007 Nobel
Peace Prize recipient, Al Gore, wrote the following poem v
One thin September soon / A floating continent disappears / In midnight sun
Vapors rise as/
Fever settles on an acid sea / Neptune's bones dissolve / Snow glides from the
mountain/ Ice
fathers floods for a season / A hard rain comes quickly /Then dirt is parched/ […]
Eco poetry was very important to the great Walt Whitman (USA 1819 –1892) "This is
what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, […]vi. Whitman can be considered a
precursor of this modern movement.
I think I could turn
and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contained; I stand
and look at them
long and long.
They do not sweat
and whine about their condition;
They do not lie
awake in the dark and weep for their sins;
They do not make me
sick discussing their duty to God;
Not one is
dissatisfied - not one is demented with the mania of owning things;
Not one kneels to
another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago;
Not one is
respectable or industrious over the whole earth. - Walt Whitman
Some of us, the poets who have in our poems a certain dedication and passion toward
and for the protection of life on Earth, and preservation of the
environment, as well as for the
protection of the people and their culture, are mentioning
"Gaia" or "Gea", the Goddess of the
Greek antiquity, who is the personification of the mother earth,
the equivalent of the Roman:
"Terra Mater" or "Pacha Mama" of the Inca
people. An example of such kind of poetry is one of the poems of my book "Ante Requiem":
Be free
people and man
from violence in "Pacha Mama"
Be free man
from the trap of the trapper
from the inequity of his gold
from the death of the intoxicated grass…
Be free!
from the gloom of men - His war
*Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ernesto Kahan MD University Professor - Poet – Physician
Aviv University, Israel.
of Honor - International Academy of Sciences, Technology, Education and Humanities (AICTEH)
- Spain
President- Israeli Association of Writers. Spanish Branch
Vice President - World Academy of Arts and Culture USA
Vice President of IPPNW (Association awarded the Nobel Peace Prize) and the
actual president of
the Israeli Branch
Honor ary President of SIPEA – International Society of Poets Writers and
President Intl Forum for Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC)
-UHE- International Union of Hispano-American Writers
T Ioannides. Interview to Ernesto Kahan. Newspaper EPIKAIRA (Extra Time) of New Smyrna of Athens. May 28,
T Ioannides. Interview to Ernesto Kahan. Newspaper EPIKAIRA (Extra Time) of New Smyrna of Athens. May 28,
iii Statement of the 5th Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. November 12, 2004, Rome, Italy.
iv Castellano, María Silvina,
La responsabilidad del Estado frente al daño ambiental. El rol de los jueces.
Ad-Hoc . ISBN:978-950-894-958-5. 2014
vi Walt Whitman. Hojas de hierba (fragmento).; Puisi pertama penulis telah disiarkan dalam majalah Dewan Sastera pada tahun 1987. Puisi ni telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan emelkan kepada Prof Ernesto Kahan. 'Wonderful poem!' katanya.
passing by the beach of Port Dickson
I saw a big billboard
red in colour
posted on a wall eight feet high
with words written
so tell me
where else children go
to build sandcastles
or run around
with kites in hands
made from old news paper
on week ends?
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